The new environment will mimic the current production environment. 这个新环境将模拟当前生产环境。
The current production platform for Java SOAP web services from Apache is the third-generation Axis framework. Apache当前的JavaSOAPWeb服务生产平台是第三代Axis框架。
This command copies everything from/ var/ uploads from the current production server to the new server. 这条命令将/var/uploads中的所有内容从当前生产服务器复制到新服务器。
The purpose of Rational Asset Manager is to organize the work completed under your current production model. RationalAssetManager的目标是在当前产品模型下完整地组织工作。
Disable the current production site or put it in read-only mode, depending on the nature of the site. 禁用当前生产站点或将其设置为只读模式,具体情况取决于站点的性质。
Therefore we request for your greatest efforts to help us to use the technologies and products in the current production and marketing of mobile phones and as soon as possible. 所以我请求您用尽可能快的速度和最大的努力,来帮助我将这个技术和产品用于现在的手机生产和销售。
The analysis results show that under the current production conditions, no effect on the surface occurs by the mining. 分析结果表明,在当前生产条件下,矿山开采对地表无影响;
Research on Genetic Variation of Main Characters of Silkworm Variety for Use of Current Production 现行生产用蚕品种主要性状的遗传变异研究
Blades, has10 years of history, the current production of major products: Machine Taps. 刃具,己有十多年历史,目前生产主要产品有:机用丝锥。
Demand is outstripping current production. 现在需求逐渐超过了生产能力。
According to the current production schedule, the movie wont be ready until the end of2002. 根据当前的制作进程,电影会在2002年年尾准备就绪。
New developments in fertilizer research and cropping technology have the potential to change current production methods. 肥料研究以及种植技术新进展都有可能改变现行的生产方式。
Proactively review current production line's performance for quality and output improvement opportunities. 主动审查对现有生产线的产品质量和产量提高的可能性。
What is the current production capacity being used? 贵公司现有生产量占总产能的比率?
Production Line Equipment Of Saqima Manual operation is the traditional product process of make Saqima, now it is replaced by mechanized current production. 沙琪玛生产流水线设备传统的用手工操作的沙琪玛制作过程,今用机械化流水作业所代替。
Gas well production capacity is a parameter to reflect the current production capacity of oil and gas wells, mainly changed by the reservoir geological conditions. 气井产能是一个生产能力参数,反映油气井目前的生产能力,主要受储层地质条件的影响。
Originally, the guitars were constructed in Kalamazoo Michigan, but their current production is a global affair. 本来这些吉他都是在密歇根州的卡拉马佐组装的,但现在是全球化生产了。
The practice indicates the technology is feasible under current production conditions of offshore oilfields which will lead to applications in a larger scale. 实践表明该项技术在海上油田目前生产条件下实施是可行的,对于海上油田聚合物驱技术的应用和推广具有重要的指导意义。
From the point of view of resource condition in the province, the salt lake is enriched with abundant potash resource, which will not only provide enough resources to the current production capacity and also meet the needs of this project and follow up projects; 从青海省资源条件看,青海盐湖钾资源储量丰富,不仅可以保证现有的生产能力,还可以满足本项目和后续项目建设的需要;
From aspects of screening theory, field application effect and economics, this fine screen suit for the current production process of Shirengou iron ore. 从其筛分原理、现场使用效果及经济适用等方面来看,该细筛适合石人沟铁矿目前的生产工艺。
In his current production work, specialising in Current affairs and Social issues, he is particularly keen on works in contemporary History in this, our changing world. 米歇尔目前的作品,主要是时事和社会问题方面,他尤其对个时刻变化着的世界的现代历史感兴趣。
However, as a result of current production order decreases, investment demand is further also abate. 然而,由于目前的生产订单减少,投资需求也进一步减弱。
Current Production Situation and Prospects of Complete Machine and Castings of Wind Power Generation Equipments 风电装备整机与铸件生产的现状及展望
The current production configuration enterprise takes seriously to control the reserve more and more, optimizes the cash flow by this, reduces the cost and raises the enterprise efficiency. 当前生产型企业越来越重视管制库存量,以此来优化现金流,降低成本并提高企业效率。
I required my students to attend the university theater's current production and write a critique. 我要求我的学生们参加学校剧院的剧本创作,并写一个评论。
The current production situation of Chinese combed yarn was analyzed, and the development suggestion was proposed. 分析我国精梳纱的生产现状并提出开发建议。
What is your current production limiting or bottleneck process? 目前生产局限或者说瓶颈?
The weighted average process costing method averages the costs for the beginning work in the process with the current production. 加权平均法将期初存货的成本加上本期发生的成本平均分摊到单位产品之上。